Mutual Fund Investments (AMFI Registered Mutual Fund Distributor)
A mutual fund is an open-end professionally managed investment fund that pools money from many investors to purchase securities like stocks, bonds, money market instruments, and other assets. The key is to understand the risk associated with each Mutual fund scheme / category, identify the right mix as per your goals and invest accordingly. We currently manage investors across 15+ countries for their mutual fund investments.
Insurance is a form of risk management, primarily used to hedge against the risk of a contingent or uncertain loss. Life Insurance (or term plan) helps support your family continue with same lifestyle in case of any unfortunate event to the primary earning member. Similarly, health insurance (or Mediclaim) helps manage the financial burden from hospitals when needed.
It is important to be adequately covered for such instances and we help understand your current cash flow, family lifestyle and help insure accordingly.

Fixed Deposits
A fixed deposit is a financial instrument provided by banks or NBFCs which provides investors a fixed rate of interest, until the given maturity date. We provide Fixed Deposit options from various high rated companies like HDFC Ltd, Bajaj Finance, Shriram Transport Finance Company etc. We help understand the risks associated with each deposit and try to get the best risk-reward ratio for our investors.
Non-Convertible Debentures (NCDs)
NCDs are fixed-income instruments, usually issued by high-rated companies in the form of a public issue (and listed on exchange) to accumulate long-term capital appreciation. They offer relatively higher interest rates when compared to fixed deposits, however, they are not always available for subscription and launched by companies for specific periods of times.
e. g. IIFL Finance launched the 87m NCD in Mar 2021 with 10% p.a. annual coupon. It opened on Mar 03, 2021 and closed on Mar 18, 2021.

Market Linked Debentures (MLDs)
MLDs are generally of two types – principle protected and non-principle protected. They are issued for the period of 13 months to 60 months and generally require minimum investment of Rs 25 Lakhs+ (can be lower in specific cases). An MLD is linked to some underlying financial security like a stock market index such as Nifty or a 10-year G-Sec paper. The gain from an MLD is ascertained at the time of maturity, depending on how its underlying asset has moved.
e. g. If a principle protected 15-month MLD states 8% p.a. return in case Nifty does not fall by 75%, then, at the time of maturity if the Nifty has fallen by 75%, you get only your principal back. However, if NIFTY has grown or fallen less than 75%, you earn 8% p.a. return.
Tax Advantage: Long term capital gains earned on listed MLDs are taxed at 10%, if MLDs are sold after a year (irrespective of tax slab of the customer).
Alternate Investments Funds (AIF)
AIF or Alternate Investment Fund means any fund established or incorporated in India which is a privately pooled investment vehicle which collects funds from sophisticated investors, whether Indian or foreign, for investing it in accordance with a defined investment policy for the benefit of its investors. Generally, the minimum ticket size is Rs 1 Crore+ and it can invest in assets across private equity, real estate, art, equity markets, debt market, pre-IPO theme etc. (as defined in their investment policy)

Portfolio Management Services (PMS)
PMS is a type of wealth management service, usually offered to wealthy investors (minimum Rs 50L investment required). PMS service offered by the Portfolio Manager, is an investment portfolio in stocks, fixed income, debt, cash, structured products and other individual securities, managed by a professional money manager that can potentially be tailored to meet specific investment objectives. Unlike mutual funds, the investors' assets here are not pooled into one large fund. Portfolio Management Service (PMS) uses a separate bank account and demat account for each client.
We offer PMS from various large issuers like IIFL, Motilal Oswal, Invesco, Axis Sec etc. tailored to meet the investors’ requirements.