

September 30, 2022

When selecting a debt fund what is the most important thing?

Quality of bonds is the most important factor for me while selecting a debt fund. However, only one factor might not suffice while selecting a bond fund. […]
July 1, 2021

Smartest investment advice for a 26-year-old working professional?

Be patient, realistic & define your investment. Variety of asset classes are available for a 26-year-old. Stocks and mutual funds are subject to risk, fixed deposits and public provident funds are safer options. […]
July 1, 2021

Wondering what a mutual fund is and how to invest in one?

A mutual fund is created when the capital collected from a pool of investors is invested in company shares, stocks or bonds. Find out details about how to invest in Mutual Funds online and offline, advantages and disadvantages for the same. […]
July 1, 2021

Are open-ended bond funds suitable for credit risk in India?

Open ended or close ended, evaluate the quality of bonds in that fund first. Asses the various pros and cons and choose wisely. Open ended bonds do have certain benefits like providing you an opportunity to exit.[…]
July 1, 2021

FAQs about the recent Stamp duty on mutual funds.

Short, easy to comprehend answers to understanding various aspects of the latest stamp duty on mutual funds like how to pay the duty, where is it applicable and where not. […]
July 1, 2021

A 25-year-old NRI wanting maximum returns?

Understanding the parameters (current income, amount to be sent home etc.), categorizing your goals (emergency funds, short term funds […]
July 1, 2021

Is it good to invest in US mutual funds?

First, let’s analyze the benefits and risks. Good way to diversify your assets, opportunity to get hold of world leading stocks. However, this is subject to risk. […]
July 1, 2021

Indian stock market exactly follows the US stock market. Really?

There are multiple indices, both in the US and in India, and while may seem to have had a similar overall movement (well, Covid-19 impacted markets globally and all markets reacted in a similar way) […]
July 1, 2021

Is it possible to save money using credit cards? Is it significant?

I happen to save between Rs 1 - 1.50 Lakhs by optimally using the 8 credit cards that I hold currently (at ROI of approximately 10%). SURPRISED?? […]
July 1, 2021

Cool skills that you can learn in less than 5 minutes

Imagine being able to explain the doubling speed of your money, understanding your wealth, calculating complex multiplications in seconds or remembering any historical dates accurately. […]